Dr. Dankwart, Dr. Uta Dankwart and Mr. Hubart came to visit at Bantra St. Thomas' Home Welfare Society (BSTHWS)
Dr. Dankwart, Dr. Uta and Mr. Hubart were felicitated by Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary of BSTHWS
Mr. Raghab Naik, Administrator & Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary of BSTHWS, in a discussion with Dr. Dankwart & Dr. Uta.
Rev. Subhas Adhikari, Vice-President of Bantra St. Thomas’ Home
Welfare Society was felicitated on the occasion of Foundation Day
Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary/In-Charge of BSTHWS, felicitating to Mrs. Padma Mitra, Former In-Charge of BSTHWS
Invitee guests were felicitated on the occasion of Foundation Day
Members of the Managing Committee of BSTHWS were felicitated on the occasion of Foundation Day
Indoor patients of BSTHWS were performing song and dance in Foundation Day Programme
Staffs of BSTHWS were performing song and dance in Foundation Day Programme
Arch Bishop of Melbourne, Australia came to visit at Bantra St. Thomas’ Home Welfare Society (BSTHWS)
Arch Bishop was felicitated by Mr. Raghab Naik, Administrator of BSTHWS
During the visit Arch Bishop met Dr. Tobias Vogt
Mr. Raghab Naik, Administrator of BSTHWS received mementos from Arch Bishop
The remote areas and bricks fields of Howrah and neighbor districts like Kolkata and Hooghly, where there
has not been an outreach by the Government or the local people have not been able to come in touch with their
nearby Primary Health Centres, the Immunization team of BSTHWS provides vaccination in those areas throughout
the year along with Iron Syrup, Vitamin A capsules, De- worming medicine and other hygienic articles.
Mosquito nets and blankets distribution during Immunization Programme.
Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary of Bantra St. Thomas’ Home Welfare Society, distributing Mosquito Nets and Blankets among the Outdoor patients
Mosquito nets and blankets distribution among the poor and needy people of Bisko Bricks Field, Howrah
This beautiful Manger was made by Mr. Jayanta Mondal, a Staff of Bantra St. Thomas’ Home Welfare Society (BSTHWS), on the occasion of Christmas
At the beginning of Christmas Programme, opening Prayer
offered by Rev. Subhas Adhikari, Vice-President, BSTHWS
Mr. Dibyendu Mukherjee, MIC & Councilor was felicitated by Mrs. Monika Naik, Secretary, BSTHWS
Indoor patients, performing song, drama and dance in Christmas Programme
In Christmas Programme the staffs of BSTHWS were performing song and dance.
Gathering of patients and staffs of BSTHWS on the occasion of Christmas Programme
Invitee committee members and guests at the evening of Christmas Programme
Santa Clause came to entertained all the patients, staffs, committee members and guests of BSTHWS
on the occasion of Christmas Programme.